Check In Service
You need peace of mind when you rent out your property.

Request a Quote for Your Service with Brooke Inventory

You need peace of mind when you rent out your property. This is what our comprehensive “whole tenancy” service can give you. From the beginning of the tenancy when the tenants first move in, to the end when the deposit is returned, we will ensure that you have the most uncomplicated time possible.

On the first day of the tenancy, when the tenant arrives, we will accompany them around each room filling in and making notes on the inventory. Whether you are providing the inventory or we are using our own, the procedure is the same. This is so that we all have legal, written agreement on the property’s condition and the items in the property. Our inventory is comprehensive and specific- we know that “all fine” for example, can be interpreted in different ways by different people and so we are exact in our descriptions.

If we use your own inventory, we will make sure that the same principles apply. It will therefore include a detailed description of the décor, fixtures and fittings and itemise any objects in detail. We will make sure that all agree on the cleanliness and condition of the different rooms, taking photos where necessary. These will be used as reference at the end of the tenancy.

The first day of the tenancy is also the time when practical details are sorted out. So, after the inventory is complete, the keys are counted, checked and handed over, the utility meters are read, and the tenancy legally begins. There are many smaller details to be sorted out here too- e.g. any previous occupants’ mail, any recycling/ rubbish arrangements, how all appliances work. If these details, however small and seemingly insignificant, are sorted out thoroughly at the start of the tenancy, problems in the future can be prevented.

When we provide the inventory, it is then signed dated and sent to you. If we don’t provide it, we will if necessary, add addendum with extra notes, also signed and dated to fulfil legal requirements.
We spend a great deal of time ensuring that this part of the tenancy agreement is done to the highest professional standards. We want it to be as complete and comprehensive as possible. With our comprehensive “whole tenancy” services, we hope to prevent any problems before they arise. The start of the tenancy check in is therefore an integral part of our whole service.

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