Inventory FAQ
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Brooke Inventory knows that your property is a valuable asset as a landlord. Getting a good inventory taken can ensure the protection of your real estate investment. Get an inventory for each tenancy and you will have peace of mind for a small amount of money.
A professionally compiled independent inventory, paired with professional check out at the end of your renter’s tenancy can help avoid disputes or issues over property maintenance and damage. Knowing that the job is done by a professional can make the difference between a satisfied tenant who feels treated fairly and one who may dispute your findings and create negative word of mouth for your company. Brooke Inventory’s clerks uphold to the industry standard for reporting and compiling your inventory.

The document or documents which you are given following a thorough inventory of your property will contain a list of contents of the unit as well as what condition those things are in. For instance, if there are appliances included with the rental then those appliances are listed as well as age and condition. The same is true if the property is furnished or contains outdoor areas and buildings such as a garden shed or bench.

Your inventory document or documents will include all aspects of the property or unit which you own, from walls and floors to ceilings and doors. The best time for this document to be prepared and presented to you is at the start of the tenancy agreement. It can be a legally binding document when signed by landlord as well as tenant, and a handy reference tool for examining wear and tear and items which may need future repair. Both furnished and unfurnished lets can benefit equally from a full property inventory.

The landlord will keep one copy, the tenant another. Your inventory clerk will also keep a copy along with digital photographs and anything else of significance. When you have a property inventory document it minimizes future disputes regarding who is responsible for what damage and which things can be defined as natural wear and tear. This is why it is natural for all parties involved to have copies. At the end of the tenancy, comparison of the property inventory from the commencement of the tenancy to the end will help the landlord and property inventory clerk determine any damage which must be detracted from the damage deposit or whether the entire amount may be refunded.

On the first day of the tenancy, a check-in report will compare the property inventory previously taken with the conditions at present after tenant move-in is completed. Check-in reports can also include meter readings. This document is also signed by both landlord and tenant.

No. The best time to do a check-out report is on the last day of the tenancy, though a hectic time it is still the best time to record the state of the property. This is when any differences between the check-in report and the check-out report can be noted and further action taken as necessary.

This takes places during the tenancy. Many tenants will forget small things that may be wrong over time, and landlords may not realize certain repairs need doing. A periodic inspection ensures that proper maintenance is performed in a timely manner, and damage is recorded promptly before any greater concerns can pile up.

Absolutely. Digital photos and or videos are very important to us because they record exactly what the condition of an item or area was, in a way that is very difficult to dispute. Sometimes the words to describe the condition of something may not be exact – that is where a photograph or video is especially useful. We keep all photos and videos stored on our server for future reference and include relevant ones with our reports.

Since the The Tenant Fees Act 2019 the landlord is responsible for paying for the inventory and check out.
If you call us direct, we can work out the best deal to make the process more cost effective.

We have experienced, trained clerks who visit many types of properties every day. Our staff know what to look for at each property and how to assess damage, maintenance, and general to excessive wear and tear. We go the extra distance so that you don’t have to – your property’s inventory will be kept on file and updated for each new tenancy. This creates a valuable history of your repairs, rennovations, and potential issues. You pay only once for an inventory per tenancy, any tenancies after that are updated for a small fee which is much less than the original inventory cost.

Photographs may be taken and will be embedded into your final document. The purpose of any photos taken is to highlight condition of a specific item or area, and context for each photo will be given. We are impartial in our reporting, whereas many times landlords are simply unable to be in the case of damage.

A trained inventory clerk will be able to more objectively inspect your property and make notes of every single item. Just as minor repairs can go unnoticed over time due to familiarity, so can the condition of a property in the eyes of its landlord. Additionally, having an inventory clerk means you have an independent third party if there are disputes. This is useful so that your tenant feels an unbiased report has been made and will be willing to sign off on it instead of disputing it. Judges look most favourably upon third party, independent inventory clerk services should a dispute head to court. Generally by using a professional you avoid this eventuality altogether.  Landlords who do their own inventory run the risk of having basic documents which contain little or no detail. Sometimes landlords describe lower valued items such as number of teaspoons, while omitting the condition of the building and information regarding walls, woodwork, flooring, ceiling, heating, lighting, and condition.

We do not check nor warrant the condition of the following items:

  • Heaters/radiators
  • Heating systems
  • Boilers/hot water tanks
  • Water filtration/softener systems

These items should be professional inspected prior to the beginning of tenancy and any appropriate certificates stored.

Please feel free to ask for our article regarding fair wear and tear – it is a commonly misunderstood area of tenancy. In it we explain what it is and what it means for claiming compensation.

This is done with the Alternative Dispute Resolution Service (ADR). Provided that both parties agree to this service, they are also agreeing by default to be bound by the decision. The good part is that the ADR is an independent service which provides a free alternative to court. Included will be summarising the evidence, putting all of the paperwork together along with submissions from landlord and tenant. Next it will be viewed by an independent lawyer who will make the decision based upon reading and considering all of the evidence presented.

This is when they may agree to use our ADR service. You will receive a notice in writing and be provided 10 days to decide if you wish to settle through ADR. Failure to respond to the notice is taken as a default acceptance of ADR dispute settlement.

For insurance dispute claims, the landlord will provide the disputed amount to the ADR for safekeeping until the dispute is resolved. Upon resolution, the ADR administrator will return the monies as adjudicated to the parties in the dispute. In a case where a landlord does not provide the disputed amount of money, the ADR or court will pay the amount due to the tenant as per the judgement. Next will follow proceedings to recover the money from the landlord.


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